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yom shishi – 3 Cheshvan 5776 – JAHWEH is a consuming fire

We Christians, I count myself among them, have trouble imagining God as a jealous God. The reason lies in the dogma of the Trinity, in the doctrine of the Trinity, where the anointing one (JAHWEH) and the anointed one (Jesus of Nazareth) are set into one. JAHWEH is being devalued unspeakably. Christians are criminally reckless with God and thus expose themselves to a mighty risk.


My internal motto (lot) today in Deuteronomy 4:24 reminds me that the true God is ONE. On April 14, 2014, I mentioned it in my diary, back then as the daily motto. The entry is worth reading.


Today we stand before the ’new world’, where, according to my belief, the Son will completely submit to the Father (1 Corinthians 15:28). From that point onwards the intercessor with God will be absent and people will rely solely on themselves. Then only the promise of Reichenschwand will help.


I repeat myself: “JAHWEH is gracious and powerful, but also punitive when his children do not obey him.”

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