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Wednesday – Passover 4th day (of 7) – sleep instead of morning prayer

23In the night to today I reviewed yesterday’s day:


The day before, there was another interesting conversation with my teacher. I asked him if he knew the story of Nicodemus with Jesus (John 3: 1-13). When he said no, I read it to him. What does rebirth from water and the Spirit mean in Judaism? It’s clear with the water. It’s about the immersion bath (mikvah). But the ghost? My teacher didn’t know. I then told him about my rebirth experience with the big bang and the crying baby. I also learned a lot from him personally.



It was now also clear to me why he has no reservations about Christians. His mother survived the Holocaust as a Jewish child with Dutch Calvinists. She was raised accordingly, but was not baptized, much to the chagrin of her foster family.


The lack of night sleep is noticeable in the morning. I am already clothed as tiredness comes over me. I give in to her. Instead of going to Shacharit (morning prayer) I go to bed again, where sleep catches up with me. I’m having a hard time with the five half-holidays. Although they are not quite as strict as the public holidays, each morning prayer lasts more than an hour.



Before I go to bed in the evening, I want to check my email again. No chance! Once again, internet access is denied.



As I lie in bed, I hear the “donkey” sign off in the idle state. Didn’t I close the lid of my notebook? (which usually puts the computer to sleep) I wonder. But! Again a new way. Better sleep “donkey”! I slowly carry the peculiarities with humor.



At night I want to record a dream on the computer. When trying to copy the previous dream, the data explorer crashes. Did I wake you up too early, dear “donkey”?

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