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Thursday – this country’s fault

After half past two: God wakes my ear to hear how disciples hear (Isaiah 50: 4). In recalling the wonderful experiences with God, I am satisfied with His appearance (Psalm 17:15), or rather with His appearances.



I am particularly aware of what happened on October 22, 2012, when I was tracking down the vineyard consecrated to the King Messiah.



My “donkey” changed its view from the Negev in southern Israel to Kfar Yehoshua in northern Israel without my intervention; for me a miracle of God. I am convinced that this Kfar Yehoshua will have a meaning in my life as Yehoshua.



At half past three, sleep is far away, I get up for my morning liturgy in the quiet “little room”. The internal lot is a seamless transition in my thoughts about Israel. The last part of the sentence from Zechariah 3.9 reads:


ומשתי את-עון הארץ-ההיא ביום אחד


“… and I will remove the guilt of this country in a single day.”



The same verse speaks of a stone with seven eyes on it. Seven is the number of perfection. All eyes are on this stone. As I understand it, it is the cornerstone of Isaiah 28:16; Jesus Christ, who is also a stumbling block (Isaiah 8:14). After Zechariah 12:10 is fulfilled, all eyes will be on him whom they pierced.




The daily motto of the Moravian Brethren in Proverbs 10:28 is perfect for me:




תוחלת צדיקים שמחה ותקות רשעים תאבד




“The expectation of the righteous is joy, but the hope of the wicked must disappear.”




Because of my baptism, I know that God has called myself a “righteous one”.




Baptism from autumn 2005 in Psalm 92, 13-15:


13 The righteous (tzadik) will sprout like a palm tree,

it will grow like a cedar tree in Lebanon.


14 which are planted in the house of the Lord,

they will flourish in the courts of our God;


15 they still bear fruit in old age,

are juicy and fresh,


(Schlachter Bible 2000)

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