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Saturday – dream before 5 o’clock – I am exposing a heretic in a religious meeting

I’m part of a pious congregation that includes a man who spreads heretical ideas. I beg God for an appropriate word. A poster hanging on the wall will help me. I get up and point it out to the man, who is looking for the poster in the wrong place and cannot find it straight away. “That’s how I want to proclaim it instead of you.” It’s about the clear message of the final judgment, which has no place in the heretical ideas of the man.
(this is where my memory stops)


Today we are invited to the golden wedding anniversary of a couple who are friends. The question arises whether I have a message to deliver. I hand the question over to Heavenly Father on my knees, and I declare myself ready for whatever I know to be His will. The translation of the language poem of the wife comes to mind, which I put as an introduction to the accountability report according to the “Doctrine”.


Yeah, stay tuned!


After the morning gymnastics, the church bells are ringing for morning prayer at 6 a.m., I want to close the window and look outside. The sky is overcast. Only in the northeast are the clouds loosened … and the church is bathed in full sunlight from the top of the church tower to the very bottom. She really shines. As much as I try, I cannot see the source of the light. The surrounding roofs also get some of the light; otherwise there is nothing to see of sunshine far and wide.


For me the whole thing is a symbol of the imminent revival, which I have long asked for and for which a prayer group has long been asking.


When I arrive at the place of the festival, the dream still follows me. Suddenly I realize: I am the heretic in the dream. The Christians therefore completely reject the message on my website. Heretics used to be burned. Fortunately, we are no longer in the 16th century.

jom schlischi – 25. Adar I 5774 – JAHWEH is really the ONE God


Almost at the end of the festival, I get the opportunity to present my experiences and thoughts to the anniversary couple and the festival community, which I do with a little tense nerves but concentrated. Thank you Heavenly Father! The question about the final judgment, which the heretic rejects, is totally new to me. It apparently has to do with universal reconciliation. Instead of the final judgment there is a full revival. Alleluia!

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