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Preamble 1st continuation – 11th Tishri 5778

11th Tishri 5778 – Sunday – Day of the Sun


After the Havdalah the night before, we move seamlessly into the new day.

In Judaism, the new day begins on the eve. I hear church bells ringing on Sunday.


For the Jews, it is the first working day and I hope that also the Christians will understand soon that the Shabat is the day of rest, decreed by GOD.


The day of the sun is for me terrible; day on which I crashed into the sun and was washed away by the “Häfelimaschine”.


“At that time, as a patient in the clinic, I saw myself in the mind next to people of my acquaintance, each in his circuit. They were ellipses with high and low points. The high point in my ellipse was like being absorbed by the sun, or the culmination of human copulation. The low point was a depression in the truest sense of the word, or being flushed away by a toilet system.”


Getting ready for sleep.


Out of bed back at my “ass”. Three and two stitches in my lungs were warning enough for me to get up again. The memory of the death of my biological father, killed by a strangler angel, is sufficiently present to me.


The night guard checked for the first time and accepted my explanations. She will come by again later.


Now it has become Sunday also for the Christians.


Serious back pain is trying me to return to bed again.


Avinu she bashamayim yitkadesh shimcha, (Hebrew, from Aramaic).

Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name!

tawo malchutcha,

Your kingdom come!

yeasseh retzoncha kewaschamayim gam baaretz.

Your will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven!

Ten lanu et lechem tzorkenu© hayom,

Give us the bread, our need, today!

um’chal lanu et chowoteinu cmo schegam anachnu machalnu lechayaweinu.

And forgive us our debts, just as we have forgiven our debtors!

Weal t’wienu lidei nissayon, ela hatzilenu min hara.

And do not bring us to the hands of temptation! But deliver us from evil!


Ki shelcha hi hamalchut wehagwura wehatif’ara leolmei olamim.

For from You it is, the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever.

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