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yom shishi – 14th Cheshvan 5775 – happy the person to whom JAHWEH does not have to blame!

“Happy a person to whom JAHWEH does not have to blame guilt, and in whose spirit there is no deception!” (Psalm 32: 2, own translation, daily motto (lot) of the Moravian Brethren)


אשרי אדם לא יחשב יהוה לו עון ואין ברוחו רמיה


aschrei adam lo yachschow YAHWEH lo awon weein berucho remiyah


Any impartial person will agree to this verse.


But questions arise when we begin to think:
– How is it with JAHWEH, who does not allow himself to be pressured by people because HE is unbelievably big?
– What about the guilt that every person inevitably incurs in the course of his life?
– Is there any person in whom there is no deception?


I have a little trouble getting my thoughts on. In addition to the tremendous findings of the 14th Elul 5774, which I cannot classify myself correctly, I am currently plagued by a cold, so that I feel reduced. At the same time, however, the picture that opened up in my mind’s eye is a real display! After reading about microbes, I try to visualize the unimaginably large armies of fighting microbes in my body. Great host of microbes stand opposite each other in my body; Good and bad. In the end, I hope that the good guys will win and that I can recover from my illness.


As far as human guilt is concerned, I have already pointed out several times to the necessary rebirth out of water and the Spirit, which opens the way to JAHWEH for us.


In connection with the question of deception in humans, an incident with one of my psychiatrists came to mind. He had hypnotized me and then told me “sec” that I was a fraud. At that time I didn’t have the freedom to ask back. It may be that the psychiatrist’s comment was related to my disability pension, which I received later in order to realize my wish to become self-employed.

I recommend reading the entire Psalm 32 meditatively. Ultimately, the decisive factor is my honesty towards God and people, not least towards myself.

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