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Tip of the day

Today I would like to explain why the Hebrew language of the First Testament is so eminently important.



It is significantly more important than Greek, the language of the Second Testament.



There is only one really meaningful God. That is YAHWEH, the Father of Jesus Christ. Jesus has said, he does not change from the law (10 commandments) and the prophets one iota. The iota is the smallest sign, a comma hanging in the air (‘).



Although Jesus said, “I and the Father are One” (John 10:30), the Father and the Son remain separate persons. The Father is in the Son, but the Son is not the Father, as many people believe they can deduce from the Bible. Those who have experienced conversion in Jesus Christ see the Father through the Son. But it needs a second conversion into the almighty GOD, YAHWEH:



Now I come to the actual request.  It’s about Psalm 92, verse 8:



In the original Hebrew it looks like this:


בפרח רשעימ כמו עשב ויציצו כל-פעלי אבן להשמדם עדי-עד



bifroach reshaim cmo essew wayatzitzu col-poale’i awen lehischam’dam ade’i-ad



This is true for all people, and many have carelessly passed by the cross lying in the maw.



They will still have to suffer the punishment in hell. But God is not a sadist. When the measure of torment is full, all memory, all remembrance of those who have been exterminated, will cease.



Those who still converted to Jesus Christ at the last moment will be taught about reincarnation, ‘becoming flesh again’, after serving the righteous punishment, before coming back to earth as an infant.

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