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Shabat – 18. Adar 5780 – Corona Virus and the very last days before the revelation of the returning Christ

In connection with the Corona Virus, I wrote the following to the believing operator of a private Pakistani television who asked me to pray for the virus:




“No. Humanity spins completely! We are in the very last time before the returning Christ can reveal himself. »




In fact, the virus is a plague, like in Pharaoh’s time, and comes from China. The reason is the anti-divine CCP (Chinese Communist Party). The Church of Almighty God, or Church of the Eastern Lightning, is a religious community that has been haunted to the core, which now works primarily from exile with videos, literature and religious messages.




Here is an example from my online diary, the 3rd Testament:


April 30, 2018

Yom Sheni – 15th Iyar 5778 – The Church of Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God puzzles me. There is no question that this Chinese organization has something to do with Almighty GOD.

It is incomprehensible to me that Israel and the Jews and all the promises not yet fulfilled in the Old Testament have no meaning.


On the other hand, I was impressed by the testimony of a young woman:

God’s true love:



Testimony of a young woman from the Church of Almighty God

(Narrative re-enactment of a true story)




The topic is important enough to create a new diary entry.

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