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Passed low point

This Monday will go down in my annals.


After a long dream where I met a knowing woman from an earlier time, I found myself alone and looked for the right way. I searched and rejected. Again and again. I was desperate. Semen discharge woke me up. 4:30 a.m., overslept for half an hour. After the toilet, what next?


Morning toilet in the bathroom. On the left knee a picture: Large T (death? Tod in German) Placed on the left knee side.


Liturgy with the natural wonder remedy QUANTUMIN plus:


Rub in the bald head in increments of ten (10 x left, 10 x right)

Add 5 drops of Quantumin to a little water in your mouth, gargle; With my tongue I tuch my left tooth blade which is slightly damaged, in memory of the materially jammed front door lock that prevents the key from entering.

Treatment with four drops of Quantumin in the left hand and the right upper arm:

A new picture on my left knee

Realization: I died a good bit further. But I live! After the low point, things can only go up.




I will spare myself the rest of the liturgy.

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