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Friday – mail to my brother-in-law

“Our conversation still occupies me internally. You described the sibling meeting with partners on July 8, 2009 as a great moment. For me that day was the opposite; highest threat in my calling!



The dream the following night, with the street sweeper threatening me, spoke for itself. Your expression of fear, about me, also goes in the same direction. I understand it to mean that you want to stop me on my chosen path, as the alleged savior of Israel. Then the final part of my Reichenschwand promise in 1980 came to mind: ‘… but be careful not to stop if I want to go on with you!



I would also like to remind you of my dream from 2004 when I dreamed in Jerusalem: ‘mi misrachi YAH yischlach’: “JAHWEH will send from an oriental”, which came true with Brother Yun a year later. The direct relationship with God is very important and valuable to me. As early as the 1980s, I couldn’t stand a human boss over me, which had led to several job losses.



Bible phrase has long been important to me personally: ‘schiwiti haschem lenegdi tamid ki mimini bal-emot’: “I always imagined JAHWEH to be with me. If He is at my right hand, I do not have to waver.” (Psalm 16.8, own translation)



In connection with this Bible verse, I also fundamentally changed my attitude towards my wife, to her sorrow. I used to go to her left; since then right. I feel directly dependent on JAHWEH, just like Jesus. After all, I have had the same pastor since 1990 to whom I handed the paper on Rabbi Kaduri from ‘Israel Today’.



My pastor doesn’t understand my path, but takes care not to want to influence me. I notice that God is gracious to me and has corrected me sometimes.



Please consider my thoughts and put aside your fear. I will not let people stop me in my vocation as Israel’s Savior. “

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