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Facts, realizations, and thoughts on Shabbat February 27, 2021

I, Yehoshua, am the coming Christ.


The world, understandably, cannot believe that.


I am the Son of Man announced by Jesus, to whom I came back into the world on November 3rd, 1937 like a thief in the night.


I have recently been commissioned by Almighty God to make my mission known to the world.


This happens with my website and my online diary


We live in the 3rd millennium, in the digital millennium.


The “bit” is the smallest unit of measurement and consists of the numbers zero and one.


The zero is negative and the one is positive.


That brings us to schizophrenia.


On the occasion of my Big Bang experience in 1980, my schizophrenia came to light.


So, I was involved in the creation of the world as one of the gods (Elohim).


Satan was also one of these gods (Job).


As a rule, people strive for the positive.


One can also compare positively and negatively with light and darkness.


Jesus said: I am the light of the world and you (disciples) should also be light.


As the returning Christ, I take over the role of Jesus in the New Testament.


In the 3rd Testament, the promise of Reichenschwand is the highest standard where Heavenly Father speaks:


“If you trust in me and place your hand in mine and allow me to guide you, you will transcend the boundary with me into a new land that you have never known and whose miracles are so great that the most beautiful thing you can imagine merely a shadow is in comparison. But make sure you do not get left behind when I want to go further with you”.


I am an ordinary person and have the only right experiences with the promise.

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