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Daily reading for January 17, 2023: Psalm 119:11

11I keep your word in my heart, that I may not sin against you.



Who wrote Psalm 119?

We do not know who the author is. Some assume that it was David, because this psalm is very similar to the 19th psalm. The fact is that this psalm was written in a difficult time.


The authors of the Luther Bible 1912 have shot a heavy “buck”:

They wrote again instead of against.



I am now focusing on the content of Psalm 119:11, not the form.

(I keep your word in my heart, lest I sin against you).

Behind “your word” stands YAHWEH, the almighty, all-wise GOD with the Holy Spirit.

“My heart” is the true I, the true SELF.

I am the personified* Holy Spirit.




Mankind has a wrong image of me because of Satan. The latter has slandered me and portrayed me as a rapist. It is true that I was a cock with two heads in the primeval times.


However, I converted from ruling to serving after 7 psychiatric events in 2017.

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