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2. Mass mail from November 19, 2021

jom chamischi – 11. Tischri 5776 – wer ist JAH?

JAH is the abbreviation of JAHWEH. With this name HE introduced himself to me in a dream:


In spring 2004 I rented the “Beit Yona” in Jerusalem for 3 weeks. I wanted to know what it had to do with me as Jonah. This time developed as a personal retreat in which I received many dreams. One of them, a Hebrew inspiration, moved me in particular. “Mi misrachi YAH yischlach” (JAHWEH will broadcast from an oriental). Who this oriental is and what he would send remained open. Also in a dream I was promised that I could do a banking apprenticeship in Jerusalem (curriculum vitae).


I understand that it is sinful for Orthodox Jews to vocalize the name of God J H W H. But I’ve been doing this for a long time because JAH is the abbreviation for JAHWEH.


In connection with the Shabbat times, I recently became aware of how generous Almighty GOD JAHWEH is when I missed the beginning of Shabbat twice for about 30 minutes. God is definitely not a petty shopkeeper.


As the called savior of Israel and the Jews, I wait to open the right ear and the left eye of the Orthodox Jews. Heavenly Man, who is the subject of my mass mail today, may also do his part.


I recommend the book I read after my experience with Brother Yun to everyone. Here are the details:
The German edition was published by Brunnen Verlag Giessen in 2004 under the title “Heavenly Man”.
The English original edition was published under the title “The Heavenly Man” by Piquant, Carlis / Great Britain 2003 ”


And now to my experiences. I quote my entry from the archive of my diary, called “Older diary entries”:


5th February 2016
yom shishi – 26. Shevat 5776 – God sends a bird of prey from the east
“Remember first things from eternity, because I am God and there is no one else. God, and is nothing like me. My decision is to arise and I want to do all my will. I call a bird of prey from the east, a man of his decision from a distant country. I have also spoken, I also want to bring it about. I have educated, I also want to do it! ”

(Isaiah 46: 9-11, own translation, internal lot)


זכרו ראשנות מעולם כי אנכי אל ואין עוד אלהים ואפס כמוני מגיד מראשית אחרית ומקדם אשר לא-נעשו אמר עצתי תקום וכל-חפצי אעשה קרא ממזרח עית מארץ מרחק איש עצתו אף-דברתי אף-אביאנה יצרתי אף-אעשנה


sichru rishonot meolam ki anochi el weein od elohim weefess camoni magid mereschit acharit umikedem ascher lo-naassu omer atzati takum wechol-cheftzi eesseh kore mimisrach ayit meeretz merchak isch atzato af dibarti af-awienah af-awienah yatzarti



On July 10, 2007, before I left Switzerland for Israel, I recorded this internal lot, composed of various daily slogans of the Moravian Brethren. Isaiah 46:11, from the bird of prey, there was never a daily motto.



It’s a difficult text. All Bible translations bear witness to this. I don’t know how I can come to terms with it today, to Erew Shabat. Trust is the order of the day. I asked my wife to help me with my housework. My diary has priority.



In my résumé I wrote about my dreams in 2004 in Jerusalem. The “Misrachi” (Orientale) had moved me particularly at the time. When the bird of prey “mimisrach” appeared in 2007, the connection in my mind was immediately established, but I couldn’t imagine anything about the bird of prey. Today I realize that Brother Yun is that bird of prey. The Chinese have an ambiguous reputation here in the West. You could call them unknown beings. But if you read in the book “The Heavenly Man” what it cost Brother Yun to learn to obey God, then you can hopefully understand that I let him bless me without any inhibitions.



With all his desire, Brother Yun sought possession of a Bible. It was miraculously bestowed on him. Incredible miracles followed, despite or because of all the persecutions he suffered. That is why I have translated as the original says. It was his decision, not God’s. But God has recognized and confirmed the decision of the bird of prey.



Now I also realize that something of the raptor mentality has passed on to me. I think of the car key, on the wooden post with dry branches, which I claimed for myself and even used force in a dream. Yes, I took the car key from the Jews and used it in a dream with the powerful car, it was a white off-roader. The fact that the train, the Christian Church, comes to a standstill is solely due to God’s work.


February 5th, 2016 was a Friday, like today. Erew Shabbat, Shabbat eve with Shabbat beginning at sunset.


At that time I asked my wife to help me with the Shabbat pre-work, which I cannot do today. She lives separately from me because she cannot yet internalize my belief in Almighty God. She also broke her left arm for the second time about 6 weeks ago. Tomorrow she has to go to Winterthur for a follow-up operation because the screw used to fix an bone did not hold.


There are no coincidences with God. It is no coincidence that the left arm was affected twice. The light comes from the left. God wants to bring my wife “into the light”. I will do my best to help Ursula as I can.


Finally, I have a request for the English-speaking readers:

If you discover errors that bother you, send me an email:

Thank you in advance

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